Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Independence Day Special

Starring A and B

A calls B to discuss the US Open.....
(B is busy eating)

A: Dude interested in coming for the US Open? We couldnt find tickets for weekends, weekdays ok va?
B: Uhh no, not really I am saving up my vacation days, planning an India trip (B sniffs)
A: Why man, India sentiment a? Missing the homeland?
B: Yey! I am eating rather spicy sambar!
A: Ohhh......


Anonymous said...

the sambar must have been really spicy.
you were sniffing like forever.

thats why i thought... :)

u-no-who said...

Spice has made u sniff this badly!
U r definitely missing India!

Anonymous said...

I think eating J's American food has reduced your tolerance for spice! ..